So, it's that time of the year.
Freshman Orientation.
And it's funny to actually be here to see it happening. To see all of the kids who just graduated from high school a few days ago walking around the Johnson Center looking very confused as to where the bathroom is (there's two per floor) and the Orientation Leaders answering the questions of the parents who just want to make sure their kids are going to be okay here. And of course, they're holding their group's number so that no one gets lost.
But I think what I like the most is that most of these kids get what is about to happen in a few months. They get to be treated like little adults. They get to be free for the most part and not have to check in with Mom and Dad and they probably won't have a curfew after week 2 of classes and they'll get to learn more about who they are and what's going on in the world around them. And they get to do it 20 minutes from D.C. so they'll go into the city a few times and meet some cool people who will become some of their best friends and in four years, they'll be really upset about leaving but they'll know that they'll have tons of pictures on Facebook and plenty that they can't share because their Mom is on Facebook now too. And she'll calle very once and a while and check up and see how the first day of classes went and they'll be really excited to tell her about COMM 100 and how the professor stood on the table or how their ANTH 114 professor is a total nut - but in a good way. And how they have to buy hundreds of dollars worth of text books that don't belong to the school and they'll be able to keep them after the class is done if they want. And they're just really scared and nervous about everything that is about to happen, because for some of them - this is the first time they've ever moved and it's the first time they'll get to truly be themselves and deal with all the beautiful and ugly things associated with it.
Group 9 just walked by the Info Desk and I think group 8 is hanging out on the 3rd floor. Their Group Leader just told someone how to get to the bathroom I think.
They put a big sign up by the statue that says "Class of 2013". I don't remember us getting one of those. We just signed the bench, but I guess the benches aren't happening this year because they're fixing SUB II. One O.L. just yelled at a group of other O.L's for grouping up I guess. LOLZ. The Class of 2013 sign makes me feel really really really old. REALLY OLD.
And I love how excited teh O.L.s are about Mason. They have yellow shoes on and big flowers in their and their jewlery is Mason colored. ...here's a question - where were you for my four years year? Our lack of spirit is upsetting and it cracks me up that it only comes out when we have guests. These kids are being so mislead about the school spirit thing. I love it.
I can remember my orientation so well. The fact that the key i was given was to a storage room in the park. It was full of pillows and sheets. And I had to go find someone who I assumed worked for housing. Funnily enough - she also checked me out of my dorm a few weeks ago. Full circle. And the guys on my floor ordered pizza. I can't remember hanging out with any of them after orientation, but I can remember when we all got seperated into our majors. And I was marketing at the time and Mom asked really awkward questions at the Marketing info session in the Bistro and I was really embarressed. Just like I am with most of the things she does. I think that was the most time she spent on campus...
Connie met Mary at orientation and they're still really good friends. And Alex said he can remember seeing me at oriention doing this dance at the benches between Fenwick & SUB II. Austin said he saw me showing someone my tattoo.
I just called Connie and she reminded me of the mini freak out we had during the O.L.'s awkward skit in which we asked each other if we really thought this was the right place for us. Four years later - I guess it was.
I just hope that these kids have as great of a time as I did at Mason.
That's my main thing.
And I hope they don't have another drag queen homecoming queen.
I want that all to myself.
1 comment:
Ryan, they'll never have another FIRST drag queen homecoming queen. That will always be yours alone...
Heard you were great in Richmond! Love you, Mama Spice
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