Apr 6, 2009

So - I haven't really written recently and I think I need to because it alwyas makes me feel better. And justified for some reason. I'm not sure why or what that's about, but anyway...

Friday was GMU's Drag Show & I cried. Like a baby. And I don't normally cry. And I especailly don't cry in front of people. So that was awkward. But other than the tears, I also recieved an award from a local "gang" of drag queens who told me how very proud of me they were. And it's pretty much the most touching moment - these performers who I've come to respect and have learned so much from - THEY were proud of ME. It melts my heart and makes me believe in the impact one person (whether in drag or not) can have on others. And when that impact is positive - it can create a world of good and positivity.

I'm 6 weeks away from seeing Mickey Mouse. And it's the most exciting feeling in the world. Granted, I still have two summer classes and won't be done til mid-July, but by being able to walk with my friends in my cap & gown - I feel like the two 100-level classes will fly by. I hope so anyway. I don't want to be here by myself - ya know? I mean, plenty of people have to take summer classes, so it won't be too bad...but still, I'm a social creature and that's part of the reason I decided not to stay for the extra semester. I'm glad I was able to figure that out.

The number of projects, presentations, and test I have left is starting to get into the single digits and that's pretty wierd. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I'm done with school - ya know? I've kept myself so busy, and kind of used school as an excuse for not doing things. I won't have that option come July. Unless I go to grad school, which may or may not happen.

So - this week, I need to apply for two jobs. I wish one of the jobs I applied for would get back to me for the simple fact that they are determing the date that I can start another job. I want to move to Orlando, but I'm not sure about the lack of practical benifits of me being there - i.e.; health care. I need to do more research in different places, but a lot of universities are looking for event coordinators and I think it would be nice to have a "regular" schedule, okay pay, and things like benifits.

Side note; I really miss working in a theme park. More than ever right now.

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