Mar 1, 2009

What I'm Listening To

Because you care:

1. "Stay" - Dave Matthews Band
I saw David Parson's Dance Company on Saturday at the Center for the Arts at Mason and their finale was a mix of DMB songs. This was in it and I can't get enough Dave Matthews right now. It's one of those great "chill out" songs, but the lyrics are really chessy and relate perfectly to my life right now. "Wastin' time. I'll sure miss this thing when it all rolls by..." Dave - you just summed up my Senior year in college.

2. "Chinese" - Lily Allen
Lily Allen's new album is very chill. I think she focused more on the lyrics and meanings of songs rather than making a "funky fun" type of album. "Chinese" is really sweet and chill (lets see how many times I can use that in this post). I also enjoy a good take out or delievery of Chinese food - Beef & Broc plz.

3. "Hello Seatle" - Owl City
I found Owl City on Pandora ( after a few songs that also sounded like Postal Service. They, obviously, sound similar, but are slightly more positive. And I love them.

4. "It's All Right Here" - Hannah Montana
Don't be jealous that I get to jam out to Hannah on a regular basis. Or that I get paid to do so. The new movie's out soon. And I'm beyond excited.

5. "Tonight" - Jonas Brothers.
(see my explanation for #4)


deejay gray said...

oh come on
'chinese' is not the best song on the album

Anonymous said...

I like your "What I'm listening to" idea. And Owl City is phenomenal.